Für jedes Wetter Advertising Campaign
After creating the last campaigns for Globetrotter Stuttgart based on bold illustrations that convey the overall topic of traveling, it was now time to focus on the actual products sold at the store this season. Since the weather was so unpredictable that very season we had to change plans and base the campaign on the diverse weather circumstances that occurred this spring. In cooperation with still-life photographer Stefan Hohloch and Stylist Miriam Köpf we created 3 motifs that represent the weather-conditions „summerly warm“, „frosty cold“ and „stormy wet“. The postproduction was done by Lars Christiansen from Bildgudt/Inmedia23. Campaign conception, art direction and campaign production for B612 agency were my responsibility.
Client: B612 GmbH, konzeptionelles Gestalten
See more projects for this client:
» Globetrotter Wegeschilder
» Globetrotter Kampagne „Alles für deine Tour“
» Globetrotter „Entdecker gesucht“